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Then my family and I decided to go to the Gila Valley Temple Open House. It was a small Temple however it was so beautiful inside. So breath taking in many different rooms. I have only been to two open houses this one and the Snow Flake Temple and they were very different. The Gila Valley Temple was able to take you in each room and explain what room is used for what. I loved that having never been through the Temple having the opportunity to see the rooms and the beauty that they hold. If you ever have an opportunity to go to an Open House I would strongly suggest that you go.
We were able to see where President Kimball's Child hood home was.
And I learned that my Grandad, yes my Grandad was ordained an Elder in this house so he could become a branch president in a ward in Thatcher. I was also learned some other things about my grandparents in their young married age that no grand kids should never have to learn about from their Grandad and Nana.
I also had a chance to go camping for Memorial Day with my moms family. This is one of the only photos that I got this weekend. Apparently the rhino rides can wear kids out. Maybe not exciting enough!! I wish I could fall asleep like that.
And last but not least I was able to go see my brother Robert graduate from Fire Academy they made this video to show some of the things that learned. So I thought I would share it with you all!!